What is Truth?

What is Truth

What is truth? Truth is still true when exposed to all of the facts. Truth doesn’t need to avoid anything to remain intact. Truth is indestructible in its nature. It is completely unafraid, it has taken everything into account, and stands presenting. Should we not be like truth and live like truth? Is it not more aligned with nature and God to align one’s self with the actual circumstances of being?

Courage and a fearless stand next to what is good is what’s required. One must be willing the possibility that in truth evil and darkness is absolute. One must be willing to stand for good despite the chance that all the universe is evil. Then one will have found the courage to peer out with unobstructed eyes and see the world as it truly is. And then when one finds love, or happiness, one can rejoice and have no doubt.

Being Human/ Human Mind

Human Mind

As a human being we have the ability to prime our mind for how it will tend to operate for a given period of time. That given period of time will usually last until an event significantly impacts you, or you go to sleep for the night. And this is a hugely useful skill because how your mind operates is essentially what equates to your experience of living. This principal of the mind is usually in operation automatically, occurring unconsciously to the individual. Chronic life circumstances or recent events may command the attention and train the mind for how it will think moving forward. The operation of the human mind is not as benevolent as one would think. When a recent event was painful or aggravating and is charged with negative emotions, the mind will become primed into what we call a state. That state of mind will operate to perpetuate its self. On the flip side if the human experiences some event that induces gratefulness, or joy or, righteous pride, the mind will operate for a period of time to continue that state of mind. It’s just one of those things that’s true.

Now here’s a great activity to actively direct one’s mind. Sit down in a quiet space where you won’t be distracted. With a pen and paper write down three categories, “Things I’m grateful for,” Successes I’ve had,” and “What’s coming.” And then begin under the first one, “Things I’m grateful for.” And list with bullet points every thing that comes to mind that your grateful for. You may list things like, This quiet space to write, that I got paid yesterday, that I have access to this coffee everyday, that I had a positive interaction with another parent, or that I have a gym in my complex. Once you have spent time listing everything that comes to mind, and then sat and let several more things trickle in, move onto the next category and begin again. Some examples of successes may be, I successfully moved to Naples, I ordered the tickets for the trip, I made $19k in a month, I got a promotion, I made the habit of flossing, I faced my fear. Just continue to list until you’ve spent adequate time and have gotten to the point where you’ve written down so many things that they are slowly trickling in. Then move onto the last category. The last category is important because it takes these thoughts from the theory of your mind to the actual living of your life. List the changes you would like to see in your life. Maybe you would like a relationship to change from one of pain to one of compassion and understanding. Then write down, “my relationship with ___ has completely changed. There is literally no bad blood any more.” If you want a change in your body, list “I put on 25lbs of muscle.” Do this until you feel you’ve hit all the areas you want.

Do this first thing in the morning and observe the way you feel following the exercise.

Best of luck